182 research outputs found

    Detección de deslizamientos de ladera mediante imágenes Landsat TM: el impacto de estos disturbios sobre los bosques subtropicales del noroeste de Argentina

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    La teledetección aplicada a estudios medioambientales ha demostrado ser de gran utilidad para identificar, cartografiar y analizar la dinámica espacial y temporal de los ecosistemas. En el caso particular de los disturbios naturales como incendios y deslizamientos de ladera, la teledetección ayudará a evaluar su impacto a escala temporal y espacial amplias. Utilizando imágenes Landsat TM de los años 1986 y 2001 detectamos deslizamientos de ladera ocurridos en los bosques subtropicales del noroeste de Argentina, y evaluamos su impacto sobre las comunidades naturales. Mediante clasificaciones supervisadas se diferenciaron los deslizamientos de ladera del resto de las unidades del terreno, con una precisión general de 91% en la imagen de 1986 y 89% en la imagen de 2001. En base a estas clasificaciones determinamos el cambio en el tiempo del área de bosque afectada por los deslizamientos de ladera en el año 1986 y en el año 2001. Los estudios sobre deslizamientos de ladera basados en teledetección pueden aportar nuevos conocimientos en cuanto a la dinámica de este tipo de disturbio, su impacto en los bosques del noroeste argentino y su relación con los cambios climáticos (principalmente aumento de precipitaciones) registrados para la zona.Remote sensing technics applied to environmental studies has been used succesfully to identified, mapping and analizyng the spatial and temporal ecosystem dinamics. In studies of natural disturbances, such fires and landslides, the remote sensing approach can be used to asses the impact of these disturbances at broad spatial and temporal scale. Using 1986 and 2001 Landsat TM images we detected landslides accured on norwest Argentina subtropical forests, and we evaluated their impact on natural communities. Using supervised classifications, we diferenciated landslides from others land cover units with an overall accuracy of 91% in the 1986 image and 89% in the 2001 image. Landslides studies based on remote sensing technics can help to a better understanding of this kind of disturbance, in terms of their impact on the subtropical forests and their relationship with the climate change (specially precipitation) registered in the zone.Fil: Paolini, Leonardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Laboratorio de Investigaciones Ecológicas de las Yungas; ArgentinaFil: Sobrino, Jose Antonio. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Jimenez Muños, Juan Carlos. Universidad de Valencia; Españ

    Evaluation of the MODIS Albedo Product over a Heterogeneous Agricultural Area

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    In this article, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF)/Albedo product (MCD43) is evaluated over a heterogeneous agricultural area in the framework of the Earth Observation: Optical Data Calibration and Information Extraction (EODIX) project campaign, which was developed in Barrax (Spain) in June 2011. In this method, two models, the RossThick-LiSparse-Reciprocal (RTLSR) (which corresponds to the MODIS BRDF algorithm) and the RossThick-Maignan-LiSparse-Reciprocal (RTLSR-HS), were tested over airborne data by processing high-resolution images acquired with the Airborne Hyperspectral Scanner (AHS) sensor. During the campaign, airborne images were retrieved with different view zenith angles along the principal and orthogonal planes. Comparing the results of applying the models to the airborne data with ground measurements, we obtained a root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.018 with both RTLSR and RTLSR-HS models. The evaluation of the MODIS BRDF/Albedo product (MCD43) was performed by comparing satellite images with AHS estimations. The results reported an RMSE of 0.04 with both models. Additionally, taking advantage of a homogeneous barley pixel, we compared in situ albedo data to satellite albedo data. In this case, the MODIS albedo estimation was (0.210 +/- 0.003), while the in situ measurement was (0.204 +/- 0.003). This result shows good agreement in regard to a homogeneous pixel

    An Interface Agent for the Management of COTS-based User Interfaces

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    The great development of the knowledge society on the Internet requires that Web information systems are adapted at runtime to user groups with common interests. Interface agents help us to observe and learn from user preferences making interfaces adaptable to user working habits. We propose an interface agent which works on Web interface based on COTS components, adapting the interface to the user needs or preferences. Our agent runs two main behaviors: observation behavior which analyses the user interaction on the interface and a second behavior which runs the adaptation actions to adapt the user interface at runtime

    La formación de profesores en la aplicación de las NTIC-Sistemas multimedia a la educación. Curso a distancia "PEMGU": Proyecto Europeo Leonardo

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    En septiembre de 1999 se desarrollará, con una duración de tres meses, un curso de formación del profesorado en la aplicación de las NTIC/ sistemas multimedia a la educación. El curso, con un 70% de modalidad de formación a distancia por Internet, pretende capacitar a los profesores con un conocimiento técnico básico para el uso de las NTIC, con herramientas para la evaluación y/o creación de materiales de elaboración propia y con criterios prácticos para la organización y gestión de los recursos en el contexto de un centro educativo.In September 1999 there will be a three-month teacher training course about the integration and use of CINT/Multimedia systems in education. This course has a 70% Internet distance training, and aims to help the teachers with basic technical knowledge for the use of these new technologies. This course also pretends to give the teachers the tools for the evaluation and/or creation of new educational multimedia materials and practical criteria for the organization and management of the these resources in the context of an educational center

    Length-weight relationships for 22 crustaceans and cephalopods from the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Spain)

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    Life history traits are available for many fish species in different regions, but less so for invertebrates such as cephalopods and crustaceans, though, they are increasingly needed for implementing an ecosystem-based approach. Recent food web modelling in the Gulf of Cadiz has identified invertebrates as keystone groups. However, information on life history traits of such groups remains incomplete in this region. To fill this knowledge gap, we report length-weight relationships for 12 cephalopods and 10 crustaceans collected in the Gulf of Cadiz from 2009 to 2013. This study reports, for the first time, life history traits of nine species in the area (Chlorotocus crassicornis, Pasiphaea sivado, Plesionika heterocarpus, Plesionika martia, Processa canaliculata, Solenocera membranacea, Allotheutis media, Sepia orbignyana and Sepietta oweniana). For each species, length-weight relationships, minimum and maximum lengths, mean weights, and depth ranges are presented. Overall, the results revealed that all species showed negative allometric growth (hypoallometry), except P. sivado, the only species showing an isometric growth pattern. We expect that this study will contribute to link sustainable fisheries with biodiversity conservation goals enabling the implementation of operational ecosystem-based management in the Gulf of Cadiz.IEO through FPIinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparison of oxidative stress markers in HIV-infected patients on efavirenz or atazanavir/ritonavir-based therapy

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    INTRODUCTION: Chronic low-grade inflammation and immune activation may persist in HIV patients despite effective antiretroviral therapy (ART). These abnormalities are associated with increased oxidative stress (OS). Bilirubin (BR) may have a beneficial role in counteracting OS. Atazanavir (ATV) inhibits UGT1A1, thus increasing unconjugated BR levels, a distinctive feature of this drug. We compared changes in OS markers in HIV patients on ATV/r versus efavirenz (EFV)-based first-line therapies. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cohort of the Spanish Research Network (CoRIS) is a multicentre, open, prospective cohort of HIV-infected patients naïve to ART at entry and linked to a biobank. We identified hepatitis C virus/hepatitis B virus (HCV/HBV) negative patients who started first-line ART with either ATV/r or EFV, had a baseline biobank sample and a follow-up sample after at least nine months of ART while maintaining initial regimen and being virologically suppressed. Lipoprotein-associated Phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2), Myeloperoxidase (MPO) and Oxidized LDL (OxLDL) were measured in paired samples. Marker values at one year were interpolated from available data. Multiple imputations using chained equations were used to deal with missing values. Change in the OS markers was modelled using multiple linear regressions adjusting for baseline marker values and baseline confounders. Correlations between continuous variables were explored using Pearson's correlation tests. RESULTS: 145 patients (97 EFV; 48 ATV/r) were studied. Mean (SD) baseline values for OS markers in EFV and ATV/r groups were: Lp-PLA2 [142.2 (72.8) and 150.1 (92.8) ng/mL], MPO [74.3 (48.2) and 93.9 (64.3) µg/L] and OxLDL [76.3 (52.3) and 82.2 (54.4) µg/L]. After adjustment for baseline variables patients on ATV/r had a significant decrease in Lp-PLA2 (estimated difference -16.3 [CI 95%: -31.4, -1.25; p=0.03]) and a significantly lower increase in OxLDL (estimated difference -21.8 [-38.0, -5.6; p<0.01] relative to those on EFV, whereas no differences in MPO were found. Adjusted changes in BR were significantly higher for the ATV/r group (estimated difference 1.33 [1.03, 1.52; p<0.01]). Changes in BR and changes in OS markers were significantly correlated. CONCLUSIONS: In virologically suppressed patients on stable ART, OS was lower in ATV/r-based regimens compared to EFV. We hypothesize these changes could be in part attributable to increased BR plasma levels.S

    Validation of AVHRR Land Surface Temperature with MODIS and In Situ LST—A TIMELINE Thematic Processor

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    Land Surface Temperature (LST) is an important parameter for tracing the impact of changing climatic conditions on our environment. Describing the interface between long- and shortwave radiation fluxes, as well as between turbulent heat fluxes and the ground heat flux, LST plays a crucial role in the global heat balance. Satellite-derived LST is an indispensable tool for monitoring these changes consistently over large areas and for long time periods. Data from the AVHRR (Advanced Very High-Resolution Radiometer) sensors have been available since the early 1980s. In the TIMELINE project, LST is derived for the entire operating period of AVHRR sensors over Europe at a 1 km spatial resolution. In this study, we present the validation results for the TIMELINE AVHRR daytime LST. The validation approach consists of an assessment of the temporal consistency of the AVHRR LST time series, an inter-comparison between AVHRR LST and in situ LST, and a comparison of the AVHRR LST product with concurrent MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) LST. The results indicate the successful derivation of stable LST time series from multi-decadal AVHRR data. The validation results were investigated regarding different LST, TCWV and VA, as well as land cover classes. The comparisons between the TIMELINE LST product and the reference datasets show seasonal and land cover-related patterns. The LST level was found to be the most determinative factor of the error. On average, an absolute deviation of the AVHRR LST by 1.83 K from in situ LST, as well as a difference of 2.34 K from the MODIS product, was observed

    Overall and cause-specific mortality in HIV-positive subjects compared to the general population

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    Poster Session – Abstract P179INTRODUCTION: Emerging non-AIDS related causes of death have been observed in HIV-positive subjects in industrialized countries. We aimed to analyze overall and cause-specific excess of mortality of HIV-positive patients compared to the general population and to assess the effect of prognostic factors. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We used generalized linear models with Poisson error structure to estimate overall and cause-specific excess of mortality in HIV-positive patients from 2004 to 2012 in the cohort of the Spanish Network of HIV Research (CoRIS), compared to Spanish general population and to assess the impact of multiple risk factors. We investigated differences between short-term and long-term risk factors effects on excess of mortality. Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations was used to deal with missing data. RESULTS: In 9162 patients there were 363 deaths, 16.0% were non-AIDS malignancies, 10.5% liver and 0.3% cardiovascular related. Excess mortality was 1.20 deaths per 100 person years (py) for all-cause mortality, 0.16 for liver, 0.10 for non-AIDS malignancies and 0.03 for cardiovascular. Short-term (first-year follow-up) excess Hazard Ratio (eHR) for global mortality for baseline AIDS was 4.27 (95% CI 3.06-6.01) and 1.47 (95% CI 0.95-2.27) for HCV coinfection; long-term (subsequent follow-up) eHR for baseline AIDS was 0.88 (95% CI 0.58-1.35) and 4.48 (95% CI 2.71-7.42) for HCV coinfection. Lower CD4 count and higher viral load at entry, lower education, being male and over 50 years were predictors for overall excess mortality. Excess of liver mortality was higher in patients with CD4 counts at entry below 200 cells compared to those above 350 (eHR: 6.49, 95% CI 1.21-34.84) and in HCV-coinfected patients (eHR: 3.85, 95% CI 0.85- 17.37), although it was borderline significant. Patients over 50 years old (eHR: 5.55, 95%CI 2.4-12.85) and HCV coinfected (eHR: 5.81, 95% CI 2.6-13) showed a higher risk of non-AIDS malignancies mortality excess. Excess of cardiovascular mortality was related with HCV coinfection (eHR: 6.68, 95% CI 1.25-35.73). CONCLUSIONS: Our results show overall, liver, non-AIDS malignancies and cardiovascular excess of mortality associated with being HIV-positive, despite improvements in HIV disease management and antiretroviral therapies. Differential short-term and long-term effect of AIDS before entry and HCV coinfection was found for overall mortality.S